Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Bows?

Sometimes the best things in life are simple.  I was thinking of offering these bows (no cute name for them yet......(suggestions welcome).....) to my line-up for Around $2.50-$3 each.  Thoughts?

Make sure to check me out on Etsy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Little Louise Boutique

As you may know, I took a year from making my goodies so I could focus on my family a bit more.  But now I'm back!  With a new name and all!  My daughter was a fan of The Little Louise Boutique (named after her of course!). 

I am now on Facebook and Etsy
Make sure you stop by and say hello!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Beginning of a New Chapter

KCHG opened exactly one year ago.  2011 was a year full of trial and error, but mostly it was a year to reflect on what is most important.  For most of the world, 2011 was an unstable year economically.  The middle class is shrinking, and the lower class growing.  After much consideration and support from my family, I am saddened to say that I will be closing this chapter of my life.  KCHG will be closing it's doors as of January 15th, 2012.  I hope to spend 2012 regrouping so I can one day come back and share my goodies.  Thank you for your support.