Tuesday, December 6, 2011

U.S. Postal Service to Make Cuts

"Facing bankruptcy, the U.S. Postal Service is pushing ahead with unprecedented cuts to first-class mail next spring that will slow delivery and, for the first time in 40 years, eliminate the chance for stamped letters to arrive the next day......The estimated $3 billion in reductions, to be announced in broader detail on Monday, are part of a wide-ranging effort by the cash-strapped Postal Service to quickly trim costs, seeing no immediate help from Congress......The cuts, now being finalized, would close roughly 250 of the nearly 500 mail processing centers across the country as early as next March. Because the consolidations typically would lengthen the distance mail travels from post office to processing center, the agency also would lower delivery standards for first-class mail that have been in place since 1971.......Currently, first-class mail is supposed to be delivered to homes and businesses within the continental U.S. in one day to three days. That will lengthen to two days to three days, meaning mailers no longer could expect next-day delivery in surrounding communities. Periodicals could take between two days and nine days.
About 42 percent of first-class mail is now delivered the following day. An additional 27 percent arrives in two days, about 31 percent in three days and less than 1 percent in four days to five days. Following the change next spring, about 51 percent of all first-class mail is expected to arrive in two days, with most of the remainder delivered in three days.
The consolidation of mail processing centers is in addition to the planned closing of about 3,700 local post offices. In all, roughly 100,000 postal employees could be cut as a result of the various closures, resulting in savings of up to $6.5 billion a year.
Expressing urgency to reduce costs, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said in an interview that the agency has to act while waiting for Congress to grant it authority to reduce delivery to five days a week, raise stamp prices and reduce health care and other labor costs.........It already has announced a 1-cent increase in first-class mail to 45 cents beginning Jan. 22.
"The things I have control over here at the Postal Service, we have to do," he said, describing the cuts as a necessary business decision. "If we do nothing, we will have a death spiral."
The Postal Service initially announced in September it was studying the possibility of closing the processing centers and published a notice in the Federal Register seeking comments. Within 30 days, the plan elicited nearly 4,400 public comments, mostly in opposition.
Among them:
—Small-town mayors and legislators in states including Illinois, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania cited the economic harm if postal offices were to close, eliminating jobs and reducing service. Small-business owners in many other states also were worried.
 Newspapers, already struggling in the Internet age, also could suffer.
"No one wants to receive Tuesday's issue, containing news of Monday's events, on Wednesday," said Paul Boyle, a senior vice president of the Newspaper Association of America, which represents nearly 2,000 newspapers in the U.S. and Canada. "Especially in rural areas where there might not be broadband access for Internet news, it will hurt the ability of newspapers to reach customers who pretty much rely on the printed newspaper to stay connected to their communities."
—AT&T, which mails approximately 55 million customer billing statements each month, wants assurances that the Postal Service will widely publicize and educate the public about changes to avoid confusion over delivery that might lead to delinquent payments. The company is also concerned that after extensive cuts the Postal Service might realize it cannot meet a relaxed standard of two-to-three day delivery.
Other companies standing to lose include Netflix, which offers monthly pricing plans for unlimited DVDs by mail, sent one disc or two at a time. Longer delivery times would mean fewer opportunities to receive discs each month, effectively a price increase. Netflix in recent months has been vigorously promoting its video streaming service as an alternative."

- http://news.yahoo.com/postal-cuts-slow-delivery-first-class-mail-141723847.html

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Little Louise

Here are some of the latest items I have added to my Little Louise Collcetion!    

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Halloween

Here is just a quick look at some items I have made in the spirit of Halloween!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Price Change

As a consumer, I wish that everything could stay low in price forever.  However, as a business owner, I know this is far from possible.  I have built my business around offering unique handmade items at a low cost.  Many of you may not know that I offer my products at a price that is only slightly higher than what it costs to make each item.  As shipping costs have increased, as well as the cost of my supplies, it is only natural that I have to conform as well.

As of September 5, 2011, there will be a slight rate increase with my products.  My prices will be updated under each photo album on my Facebook page.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Match made in heaven!

Here are some custom orders I was asked to do to match outfits the customers already had!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

SnapDragon Photography Photo Shoot


All photos by Taylor Sawyer copyrighted to SnapDragon Photography: It is ILLEGAL to steal/reproduce/print/righ​t-click/etc any of these photos with out MY WRITTEN CONSENT!

©SnapDragon Photography

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thank You

Thank you for bringing hope in the aftermath of the storm!


July 6, 2011

Dear Kate's Custom Gifts,

Thank you so much for your gift of $50 to the United for Joplin Tornado Recovery Fund. Your support and partnership mean more than you can imagine.

It is hard to believe a full 30 days has already passed. The evening of May 22, 2011 has forever changed the lives of the people of Joplin, Missouri. As of June 20th, 154 people have died as a result of the devastating tornado which ravaged their town. Perhaps the worst tornadic storm ever recorded in U.S. history, the National Weather Service is considering adding an EF6 category to describe the force of this specific tornado.

On your behalf, I visited Joplin on June 3rd to present our first disaster relief check totaling more than $860,000. To date, people just like you have given or pledged more than $1.4 million to our United for Joplin recovery fund. Working with the United Way in Joplin, we have assembled an Investment Review Team comprised of local Joplin citizens to get the funds flowing for those most in need.

I can tell you personally, the extent of the damage is incomprehensible. My host drove me through the devastated areas for more than an hour and we only saw about 25% of what was lost. It is truly astounding and heartbreaking all at once.

That's why we are so honored and proud to partner with you to truly make a difference for our neighbors in Joplin. Your gift brings them desperately needed assistance - from basic essentials of food, clothing and shelter to medical attention, counseling, transportation, and information on how to replace the documents required to restore their legal identity. In short, your gift restores their hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Heart of Missouri United Way has been working to improve the lives of people in need since 1947. We do so by mobilizing the caring power of community resources under the director of a 40 member local board of directors - all volunteers.
Your gift lets the people of Joplin know they are not alone - that we stand with them, United.

Thank you for helping so many... the United Way!

Most sincerely,
Timothy L. Rich

Executive Director/CPO

Friday, July 1, 2011

Facebook Update

Friday, July 1, 2011
9:30 am (CST)

My Facebook page for KCHG has an error message and says my page is unavailable.

Hopefully this will be corrected soon!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's all in the name!

Here is a look at some custom request orders I have done!


Monday, June 20, 2011

All Things Pretty.....

These items are part of my new Little Louise Collection

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sport Bows!

 Custom sport bows for any team!


Custom order- Phillies

Custom order- Cardinals

Custom order- Raiders