Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thank You

Thank you for bringing hope in the aftermath of the storm!


July 6, 2011

Dear Kate's Custom Gifts,

Thank you so much for your gift of $50 to the United for Joplin Tornado Recovery Fund. Your support and partnership mean more than you can imagine.

It is hard to believe a full 30 days has already passed. The evening of May 22, 2011 has forever changed the lives of the people of Joplin, Missouri. As of June 20th, 154 people have died as a result of the devastating tornado which ravaged their town. Perhaps the worst tornadic storm ever recorded in U.S. history, the National Weather Service is considering adding an EF6 category to describe the force of this specific tornado.

On your behalf, I visited Joplin on June 3rd to present our first disaster relief check totaling more than $860,000. To date, people just like you have given or pledged more than $1.4 million to our United for Joplin recovery fund. Working with the United Way in Joplin, we have assembled an Investment Review Team comprised of local Joplin citizens to get the funds flowing for those most in need.

I can tell you personally, the extent of the damage is incomprehensible. My host drove me through the devastated areas for more than an hour and we only saw about 25% of what was lost. It is truly astounding and heartbreaking all at once.

That's why we are so honored and proud to partner with you to truly make a difference for our neighbors in Joplin. Your gift brings them desperately needed assistance - from basic essentials of food, clothing and shelter to medical attention, counseling, transportation, and information on how to replace the documents required to restore their legal identity. In short, your gift restores their hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Heart of Missouri United Way has been working to improve the lives of people in need since 1947. We do so by mobilizing the caring power of community resources under the director of a 40 member local board of directors - all volunteers.
Your gift lets the people of Joplin know they are not alone - that we stand with them, United.

Thank you for helping so many... the United Way!

Most sincerely,
Timothy L. Rich

Executive Director/CPO

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